Friday 19 July 2024

Knowledge is Power & Control


We wait for media to tell us what's happening in the world and what they don't share, we don't know about.  

For example, there are over 100 wars being fought right now all over the planet.  We only seem to care about 2 of them. 

Knowledge is power & prayers are powerful. Without the first, we can't complete the second.  Knowledge is control.

Can you imagine if they started lying to us or changing the story? 

Can you imagine? 

The media controls everything.

And, as such they could set many records straight.

I hear CNN is changing a bit so, perhaps this is the way, eh? 😉

Deep thoughts on the balcony smokin' my mix of gifts from Gaia.

We got this friends, strangers, and other selves.  The light always wins ☀️ 

Monday 15 July 2024

Fight Fight Fight!!!

 "Fight, fight, fight" he said with his fist in the air.

Fight against what?

The machine, the censorship, the mandates, the freedom killing pandemic treaty, the WEF, the WHO, every single self indulgent and self serving politician and their plans.

FIGHT for the right to express yourself!

FIGHT for the right to LIVE in SOVEREIGNTY.

And yet they'll say, "Di, that's just the way it is, get over it!"

Fight against this mindset for it's a cage with a door that will never open.

Fight for the light, the love, the truth.


Livin' Learnin' Every Moment, Every Day


                  Our existence here isn't about what someone else perceives as "success".

We're here to learn.

In success we celebrate; in struggle we learn so even if you're struggling right now, you're learning.

That's the brilliance of these lives as I understand them -- no matter what you do, you learn.

In the law of one early channelings, Ra says it really doesn't matter what we do here because all is learning.

"You live, you learn

You love, you learn

You cry, you learn

You lose, you learn

You bleed, you learn

You scream, you learn"--Alanis M

So if you're in the down n' out phase, dig into it as you would a puzzle.  For even on that mitochondrial level, you are learning.

I love yoU! 

Thursday 11 July 2024

In success we celebrate; in failed population reduction schemes we learn.


 The last 3-4 years have been the shits.

We've lost friends, family, and open lines of communication among other things.

Yet, I sit here before you feeling more confident in MY abilities than I ever thought possible.  

I grew up gullible and easily taken advantage of.

I let others believe they were smarter ---I'd mock myself before they could mock me.

But now I see that I was right about soooooo many things.

Through the shits we come out stronger, wiser, more self assured.

No one will make decisions for me anymore --- because NO ONE could make them better than I can.

In success we celebrate;  in failed population reduction schemes we learn.

Like the waves smooth the rock, like the wind strengthens the stalk--

We are better for this turmoil.

I love you.    

Monday 8 July 2024

Ch ch ch changes.


The labeling of ists and isms is over da top now.

You can't say anything without someone calling you one.  

Take France for instance.

All of that history and culture will be erased very soon.

HOW and WHY is it racist to want to hold onto historical culture?

This is all by plan from Soros and his crew in 2015.  

In thinking this through however, I went from a sinking feeling of dread to reminding myself of ascension.

I thought, how can life go on there normally?  Those people would all need an income to live in France.  

But what if they didn't?  What if the reset is a positive one and when everyone has enough, the fight for dominance will end. 

This is what I long for .... an end to the fight for dominance because it's everywhere.  I even feel it when I see others doing what I could do, want to do but don't do.  Fleeting moments of feeling not good enough are set as reminders now.  

Remember to visualize what we want.  

Heaven on Earth.

I love you ... pass it on 😉   

Friday 5 July 2024

Seeking Purpose Through the Ra Collective & Love Light Research

I read the channeling from Love Light Research quite often but can't say I always comprehend it.  It takes many rereads to say the least. 

Here's an example.  I find the wording so eloquent.  Link here.

This is Qu'o speaking, one of the many consciousnesses that make up the "Ra Collective".  Each portion is a lifetime of experiences and so they'll come through and into these sessions based on each one's ability to most thoroughly and comprehensively answer the questions asked.

The Ra Collective is a "complex" of consciousnesses as are we.  To put it simply, they are ONE SOUL living many many lifetimes and gathering knowledge and experience through each incarnation.

We're living other lives on other timelines all at the same time, basically collecting experiences so that someday in the very far future, WE could be channeled and bring aid to seekers too.

Let that sink in 😊