Thursday 29 August 2024

Hollywood Dipshits Are Merely Reading Their $cripts When They Support Politicians


Stiller recently said he's voting dem because "we need change".... forgetting that the dems have been in power for 3.5 years.

So, who's the change you want to make in the world Benny???

It's a script --- doesn't matter if it's logical.

Know thy dipshits! 

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Alleged Hash Dealer Turned Premier Opines About Safe Consumption Sites

 Never ever forget that Dougie and Robbie were (allegedly) avid hash dealers in early days.

Do you know who else doesn't like "safe consumption sites"??

The drug dealers.

They don't want anyone knowing that their product is contaminated or could kill someone.  

So, who's side is Dougie baby really on?  


Thursday 22 August 2024

There Have Always Been Priestesses by Marin Bach-Antonson


There will always be the women who REMEMBER.

Through the ages there have been women who carried the flame of the feminine within their womb cauldron.

Who carried the codes of the rose.

Who could find their way through the portals of their own heart.

Throughout the ages there have been women who never forgot they were sacred.Who honored their womanhood as holy.

Who honored the body as the temple of Sophia.

There have always been seers and sorceresses.

Medicine women and feminine mystics.

Throughout the ages there have been women who gathered as a sisterhood. Who held each others hearts and hands.

Women who spoke the language of circle and ceremony.

Who gathered to bleed and birth and bless the earth.

Who joined to laugh and love and live the rhythms of life.

There have always been wisdom keepers.

They erected the red tents.

They spoke the truths, passed the stories and kept the secrets alive.

They knew the magic arts of Isis and Avalon.

Of Magdalene and the Black Madonna.

They paved the path for where we are today.

To the women through out the ages…we bow to you.

You are our lineage of light.

You live in our bone marrow and our belly knowing.

You whisper in the silence and sing in our dreams.

Thank you sacred sisters of another time.

We carry your legacy of love.

There have always been priestesses.

~Marin Bach-Antonson~   

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Censorship is the True Evil


I believe words and expressions are telling.

Reactions show traumas, silences show traumas, compliance shows traumas.

Instead of blocking free speech, maybe we should be listening to it to KNOW what the world needs.

What education is needed?  What revelation is needed?  What aid is needed.

Censorship will do nothing but silence signs that are needed right now.

Yes words hurt but banning them isn't gonna take anyone's hurt away.

Deeper Wednesday thoughts.    

Monday 12 August 2024

Just Live Your Life


Live your life.

Who honestly cares what others know or believe about you?

On a community page where people barter items, a person asked for some food items and then mentioned their gender.

When it was noted that all genders have hunger and it doesn't matter to us, the person said "tell that to the people who live around me."

Maybe those people don't need to know everything about you.

Maybe you could just live.

Live your life.

Deep Monday thoughts.

This reminds me of a person who got legal under the acmpr to grow their cannabis but wouldn't just hook up the light and drop the seed.  Oh no, they wanted to show and prove and get the consent of the landlord/super intendant.

Why give anyone the chance to frustrate you?  You know who you are, you know what your rights are.


Live your life.

Waiting for permission to live it, is whack.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Cancerous Cells & Immortalized Cells -- Is There Any Difference?

We have to keep aware of this.  

My research on Cannabinoids and cancer cells, has shown me that healthy cells don't live forever and will self destruct (apoptosis) when sick, old, unneeded etc.  Cancerous cells do not do this and will grow and grow and grow.   

Because of the push for fake meat, we're learning about normal cells and "immortal cells" the latter being how they're making lab-grown meat.

Knowing that Cancerous cells live forever BECAUSE they're Cancerous, I can't help but see the similarity if not the identicality of Cancer cells and man-made Immortal Cells.  

They'll tell you it's for climate change when in reality it's about revenue and how cheaply this makes feeding the useless eaters of the world.

And once again, HOW do they know it's safe to eat long term?  They don't but they didn't know long term effects of the latest jibby-jabby so I guess that's the brave new world they want us to live in.           

"Is Lab-Grown Meat Healthy And Safe to Consume?" 

Tuesday 6 August 2024

I Know My Worth BECAUSE I Didn't Used To

 Have you ever put yourself out to help someone else, at your own cost? 

Have you ever started to work for someone and taken less money per hour than you deserve, just to help them succeed? 

I've done this too many times and I say right now, I will not do it again. 

Before cvd I was asked to work at a new garden store.  

Being asked to work there was a compliment -- the starting (minimum) wage was not. 

It ended up that I was making less per hour to do clinic work than I was making 3 years prior IN a clinic.

All so the owners of the store could succeed. 

How many times have you done this? 

Stop giving your life away so that someone else can succeed because the payback pendulum never swings back your way.  Trust me.

Know your worth and take nothing less. 

We teach others how to treat us.  

Now years later I realize that of the five people working there, I was the only one NOT defrauding the government by working, collecting the cerb, and banking hours.

I got my friend a job there.  He knew half of what I know and now I realize how much more money he made than I BECAUSE he was offered the work, bank hours, and collect cerb scheme.

Never again.

Monday 5 August 2024

Nods To the Childless Women

Childless women --or those with grown offspring are difficult to control.  My friends with children say less, held back by fear of Children's Aid, the friend that never goes away.

Recently a certain politician mocked and belittled, shamed even, childless women who own cats.  Is it legal to own a Leopard?  Now that's a kitty kitty that would shut him up zippity quick.

Once a woman births a child, she gives up control of her life.  She gives up her right to speak openly about polarized topics and events.  Women give up the right to decide how to raise their children, how to prevent sickness, and how to treat it too.  Politicians have even boldly questioned, "what are parental rights and do they even exist?"

They've made the world such that the responsible mother needs and welcomes aid at every turn and that aid controls.  The childless woman has nothing to hold her back, hold her silent, hold her in, or hold her out.

The childless woman is the politician's worst enemy.  With age, she becomes even more fierce having lost family and older support networks.  She's fallen and learned to fall again and get up faster.  And every fall is a lesson in trusting only herself.

Skin thickened, feelings hardened, skin like dragon scales impenetrable by words or threats or frozen bank accounts by weak weak leaders.

I am a 50 year old childless woman and I can't remember the last financial benefit my government gave me.  I have no need for them now, or ever again.

And if I needed them in my past, that was only because I believed the lies that told me I did.

The childless women of the world have nothing to hold us back from helping the world understand what's happened, and helping the world to stand again.

Sunday 4 August 2024

Thoughts on Vince Vaughn's Opinion About theCurrent Lack of Good Comedy Production

 This is really good to hear ... I mean, shows me he's aware of the lunacy.

What he describes as a set of things/rules that the studio can use and nothing else, is something I think also applies to other current day things like the DIN and the DSM for the prescribing Doctor.  The DSN evolves and is where the prescribing rules are written.

A Doctor could know that anxiety meds don't work that well, are too sedative, are habit forming and have uber side effects, but when the patient says they're anxious, those are the only choices available.  

It's like a controlled game.  They can only prescribe what they're allowed to prescribe and the DIN protects them if they follow it and the guidelines in the DSM.        

Click here to watch

Oh Human, Your Opinions Are Being Manipulated

I saw a clip of Meghan Markle discussing how much impact an article's title has on a reader's perception.  It doesn't matter if you like her or not; she is correct in this fact.

It clicked in my brain that this is just like the guy who introduces the hypnotist or magician to you.

That announcer telling you that you'll be mystified by his powers of hypnosis, is step one in your hypnosis.

Oh human, the gullible.

Oh human, the manageable.

Oh human, the hypnotizable. 

Recognize to know before you fall for the lies.     



Sometimes certain people annoy us.

Sometimes we wonder why.

We make a change, we feel relief and then realize the WHY in the annoyance.

Some people are only here to encourage YOU to change your experience FOR the experience.

Thank you to those who broke my heart for now my heart is bigger than it could ever have been before you.

Words make wounds that heal into great lessons learned.       

Now I thrive.

Thursday 1 August 2024

We Are All Source Incarnate -- My Point of View

I was raised Roman Catholic and see that all Christianity has a middleman between you and your Creator. In fact, there are several middle men in robes and then of course there is Yeshua. 

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." -- John 14:6

Today I believe this is what's wrong with humanity's thinking.  We don't see ourselves as good enough to have a direct connection to Source. Oh no, we need a man in a robe to introduce us to Creator and convince him that we are worthy.

That's whack.

I not only believe that you have a direct connection to Source, but I believe that you ARE Source in flesh, here to gain experience.

And so am I.  

I love you!