Friday 19 July 2024

Knowledge is Power & Control


We wait for media to tell us what's happening in the world and what they don't share, we don't know about.  

For example, there are over 100 wars being fought right now all over the planet.  We only seem to care about 2 of them. 

Knowledge is power & prayers are powerful. Without the first, we can't complete the second.  Knowledge is control.

Can you imagine if they started lying to us or changing the story? 

Can you imagine? 

The media controls everything.

And, as such they could set many records straight.

I hear CNN is changing a bit so, perhaps this is the way, eh? 😉

Deep thoughts on the balcony smokin' my mix of gifts from Gaia.

We got this friends, strangers, and other selves.  The light always wins ☀️ 

Monday 15 July 2024

Fight Fight Fight!!!

 "Fight, fight, fight" he said with his fist in the air.

Fight against what?

The machine, the censorship, the mandates, the freedom killing pandemic treaty, the WEF, the WHO, every single self indulgent and self serving politician and their plans.

FIGHT for the right to express yourself!

FIGHT for the right to LIVE in SOVEREIGNTY.

And yet they'll say, "Di, that's just the way it is, get over it!"

Fight against this mindset for it's a cage with a door that will never open.

Fight for the light, the love, the truth.


Livin' Learnin' Every Moment, Every Day


                  Our existence here isn't about what someone else perceives as "success".

We're here to learn.

In success we celebrate; in struggle we learn so even if you're struggling right now, you're learning.

That's the brilliance of these lives as I understand them -- no matter what you do, you learn.

In the law of one early channelings, Ra says it really doesn't matter what we do here because all is learning.

"You live, you learn

You love, you learn

You cry, you learn

You lose, you learn

You bleed, you learn

You scream, you learn"--Alanis M

So if you're in the down n' out phase, dig into it as you would a puzzle.  For even on that mitochondrial level, you are learning.

I love yoU! 

Thursday 11 July 2024

In success we celebrate; in failed population reduction schemes we learn.


 The last 3-4 years have been the shits.

We've lost friends, family, and open lines of communication among other things.

Yet, I sit here before you feeling more confident in MY abilities than I ever thought possible.  

I grew up gullible and easily taken advantage of.

I let others believe they were smarter ---I'd mock myself before they could mock me.

But now I see that I was right about soooooo many things.

Through the shits we come out stronger, wiser, more self assured.

No one will make decisions for me anymore --- because NO ONE could make them better than I can.

In success we celebrate;  in failed population reduction schemes we learn.

Like the waves smooth the rock, like the wind strengthens the stalk--

We are better for this turmoil.

I love you.    

Monday 8 July 2024

Ch ch ch changes.


The labeling of ists and isms is over da top now.

You can't say anything without someone calling you one.  

Take France for instance.

All of that history and culture will be erased very soon.

HOW and WHY is it racist to want to hold onto historical culture?

This is all by plan from Soros and his crew in 2015.  

In thinking this through however, I went from a sinking feeling of dread to reminding myself of ascension.

I thought, how can life go on there normally?  Those people would all need an income to live in France.  

But what if they didn't?  What if the reset is a positive one and when everyone has enough, the fight for dominance will end. 

This is what I long for .... an end to the fight for dominance because it's everywhere.  I even feel it when I see others doing what I could do, want to do but don't do.  Fleeting moments of feeling not good enough are set as reminders now.  

Remember to visualize what we want.  

Heaven on Earth.

I love you ... pass it on 😉   

Friday 5 July 2024

Seeking Purpose Through the Ra Collective & Love Light Research

I read the channeling from Love Light Research quite often but can't say I always comprehend it.  It takes many rereads to say the least. 

Here's an example.  I find the wording so eloquent.  Link here.

This is Qu'o speaking, one of the many consciousnesses that make up the "Ra Collective".  Each portion is a lifetime of experiences and so they'll come through and into these sessions based on each one's ability to most thoroughly and comprehensively answer the questions asked.

The Ra Collective is a "complex" of consciousnesses as are we.  To put it simply, they are ONE SOUL living many many lifetimes and gathering knowledge and experience through each incarnation.

We're living other lives on other timelines all at the same time, basically collecting experiences so that someday in the very far future, WE could be channeled and bring aid to seekers too.

Let that sink in 😊


Thoughts on Universal Forces of Nature


Ra of the law of one channelings gave interesting insight into the energy in our genders.  For instance, they said that the Feminine energy is magnetism and the Male energy is electricity.

No wonder those in power are confusing genders with endocrine-disrupting foods, beverages, chemicals in packaging and medicine.

These two forces are what can give we living beings our power to find balance and symmetry.  I can't help but think of the Arctic Wolf pack wherein the females maintain the pack almost magically with the bond of pack mentality.  At the same time, the males grow to hunt, fight, feed the pack.  Older female wolves stay home to care for the new litters.  Older male wolves follow the hunting group to add guidance and aid. 


This visual really brought this out for me.  We live in a universe with natural laws.  The truth shall set us free.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Thoughts on Le Petit Prince

In high school, I took French all the way to OAC (Ontario Academic Credit) only to say "je parle un peu de francais".  But those skills did get my sister and I to and from the downtown core in Venezuela by taxi, so perhaps plus de juste un peu.

I had no idea what I was going to do this ISP on (Independent Study Project) but with the help of our absolutely amazing French teacher, I decided upon this book titled Le Petit Prince.  My mom searched Eastern Ontario and found a book for me to attempt to read, study, and write an essay on.  This was an amazing feat to be honest as back then, you couldn't simply email a library or search their inventory.  Oh no, you had to call and talk to people which my mom did while I was at school.  

After finding this portion of the book and reading it, I can honestly say that I didn't comprehend the book way back then.  My french wasn't as strong as it could've been.  However, somehow this book turned out to be one of great endurance when it comes to practicing love for one another and I can definitely get behind that.

Now, when I see a quote by Le Petit Prince, I giggle at my own lack of french comprehension but I also remember how my mom came through once again, way back then.

“It's madness to hate all roses because you got scratched with one thorn,

to give up all dreams because one of them didn't come true,

to give up all attempts because one of them failed.

It's folly to condemn all your friends because one has betrayed you,

to no longer believe in love just because someone was unfaithful or didn't love you back,

to throw away all your chances to be happy because something went wrong.

There will always be another opportunity, another friend, another love, a new strength.

For every end, there is always a new beginning..... 

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,

The Little Prince

Thursday 27 June 2024

Thoughts on Unaffordable Therapy

 I'm seeing a lot of programs for sale right now.  These are ways to reclaim your body and mind or they're to stimulate your vagus nerve with bowl and human singing.  Others allow you to get high on your own supply then be guided through a meditation.

These programs are often costly at a time when essentials like food, medicine, and fuel to get places is at an all-time high.  

The thing is, we're partway to the new Earth where money doesn't belong or align.  

I've seen other programs being done on a sliding scale, by donation only, or with an affordable fee.  The facilitators have said they're doing this at such a low price BECAUSE they're trying to fake it till they make it to that new Earth where money has no place.

I just spent an hour listening to a Doctor turned Holistic specialist that I admire greatly.  She has taught me so much.  But the program is $1500.  In the intro she discussed how we women will learn to love ourselves, our bodies, our brains, our containers wherever we choose to make it.  She said this will help us to love our mates more and be okay with whatever our relationships bring forth.

Yet, I'd have to personally borrow money to do this.  I'd have to discuss this long and hard with my partner and likely borrow from him or from Madam Mastercard. 

Do we see the confusion here?

This program is to help women reclaim their independence.  

But you'll likely have to borrow to do it.

In this intro, it was mentioned how sometimes we in our weakness and our trauma, will judge other women.  I'm judging this woman for the cost of her program--plain and simple.

Feel it and let it go.  Feel it and let it go.  

As the wisest and cutest man once said, "Di, you don't have to have anything to do with anyone you don't want to."

I used to have to find a negative or get angry in order to do this but now I just simply see and understand that the facilitator and I are on different paths.  The old me would've burned her book and denied any aid her knowledge gave me.  But not this me.

My path is to the New Earth where kindness is the norm and money is no more.

Not getting delayed on my way there. 

I love yoU!

Tuesday 25 June 2024


 What one can do; we all can do.

Lest we have faith?  Sorry that just sort of followed.

FAITH eh?  

In my group of seekers Sunday night, I picked the card of FAITH from the Sacred Mushroom deck.  

That word used to feel icky and now it feels comforting and true.

In the end, I really do believe that when we see how big the light is, we'll see how silly it was/is to think even for a moment that the shadow would win. 

The light always wins.  It just takes a long ass time.  All the more time to learn and grow through dealing with those who are different from us.  

Ra of the Law of One refers to other people as our "other selves".

They say that the interaction of you and your other selves, is the greatest catalyst for growth.  But even further, they said that the greater the difference between the two of you, the greater the catalyst and thus the greater the growth. 

Nods to those who push against that indoctrination and the rules it made our parents lay down when it came to "talking to strangers".  I got to know people that my parents told me to avoid. I talked to strangers, made friends with strangers, learned from strangers.  These moments and memories I'll never forget.

Over the years, they've made sure that "strangers" are scary and risky, pushing all of us to keep to ourselves, never getting that catalyst, never getting that growth. 

But shits gettin' weird and I am HERE for it.  I'll make the munchies and roll the doobs.  And I say that because I have FAITH that the light has already won and we're just watching a movie so others see for themselves how absolutely far off the moral rails, current leadership in the WORLD has gone. 

The light always wins.

I love you! 

Saturday 22 June 2024

Removing the Shame-Filter From Our Memories

 Have you ever thought about a memory and realized that it's covered by a shame filter?   For instance, in grade 7 I kissed a girl at a sleepover at her house.  She kissed me back but the other girls thought it was weird/wrong/gross/ <add adjective to fit>.

So, a few years ago the topic of youth experimentation came up while I was watching one of the eps of GLEE.  There was a scene where two of the girls who were best friends, also made out.  While watching it, I admired how comfortable they were with their bodies and knew that that wasn't how I was back then!

I saw in that moment that this type of experimentation might have been good for young women's self esteem.  I mean, to this day we make ourselves up more for other women than for men.  My bestie loves to wear sparkles and make her beauty shine which in turn, encourages me to do the same.  

But when I began to remember that hey, I did that once ... I remembered the shame I felt from the others in the room.  I remembered the shame I felt when, on Monday one of the girls told some of the boys that I'd kissed a girl.  That shame was so thick and blanketed this memory so well that it covered up the innocence of the activity beneath.

It only took me moments to scrape the shame filter off so I could see what that experience was.  All it was, was simple and honest experimentation with someone I knew and trusted.  There was nothing shameful about it.

Have you noticed yourself remembering moments like this from YOUR past?  It's been happening to me a lot and I've read that this is a necessary part of our existence right now.  The tip is to acknowledge the memory, feel it, and let it go.

So, to the shame filter that hid this incredible memory of innocence and curiosity, out with you now!

I feel you and I let you go.  You hold no power over me anymore.  

Saturday 1 June 2024

UN Agenda 2030 Mission Goals

 We've been indoctrinated to trust the Caducean symbol like moths to a flame.

Now, we have too much power & they want our numbers limited and lowered.  

The jiggity-jig is up.  I can show you several influential families of power and control, stating this very thing.

This is the plan.  Please share it if the algorithm allows you to see this post.   

To me, freedom is at must.  


Dr. Peter McCullough's Spike Protein Detox Protocol


The World Pyramid of Power -- Kinda Like a Club That YOU'RE Not In.


See how low on the pyramid of power, our dipshit politicians as governments are?

They're Macaws & Parrots in suits with zero power.   

Elections are a fraud OR all parties abide one narrative decided by the above individuals.

Me votey no more.

Notice the "All Seeing Eye".

The more I learn the more I realize that my brain is clay to be molded by what I see, hear, smell, fear, fear, fear, and fear. 

It's kind of like that pesky "informed consent" where you have to know all the deets to make an informed decision.  But the deets are skewed, hidden, changed, and or completely altered so, I do not have the details necessary to make an informed vote.

All politicians are dipshits.    

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Nova Scotia's "Financial Measures Act" --- Making YOUR Health Info Fully Accessible to the Govt

Nova Scotia is trying to pass "The Financial Measures Act" that would give the govt full access to your Medical Records and health information.  

People with mental health challenges experience discrimination during the hiring process if and when they disclose mental illness. If you dare to shed tears at work, you'll be labeled and scrutinized for expressing your emotions.

People with multiple issues requiring multiple prescriptions experience discrimination if and when the cost of those scripts become apparent to the employer and to the employer's insurance carriers.

People with misunderstood chronic illnesses experience discrimination if and when they disclose these health challenges to people who have no clue of their ability or disability.  

Do we think our Governments will treat us differently than potential employers?  

They want to know everything about you but why?  Why would they want to know all of this?  Does it have anything to do with the WEF's Pandemic Treaty?  

Be aware of what they're trying to do even --or especially if it doesn't affect you because those affected may need YOU to speak for them.  

We are one and breaking this one is not going to be easy.  

Don't make it easier for them.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Changes in Mindset After Researching the Reality of the World

An interesting thing has happened to my brain, my mindset, and my outlook since educating myself on the reality of this world in this moment.  

I used to be able to fit people and thoughts into neat and tidy boxes of acceptance or rejection.  It was really easy to decipher back then but today, things are nowhere near this neat and tidy.

We all have benevolence and we all have shadow so those boxes were almost always a fraud.  

Now, it's all just a mess of thoughts and theories but what's changed is the pedestal that that way of thinking uses to differentiate people, has now disappeared.  No one stands above you and I -- we bow to no one because there is no hierarchy between us.  

The separation of good/bad ... wealthy/poor ... well educated/uninformed is the real illusion because most of the knowledge is lies and money means fuck all when you're dead. 

I'm nowhere near figuring it all out but I'm really happy to now be able to hold many many many thoughts and theories at the same time not really sure of any of them but not hooking onto any perceived outcome they offer.

I personally think this is the way.


Monday 4 March 2024

Deeper Thoughts into Densities and the Knowledge Gained Through Incarnation

 Deeeeeep Monday Thoughts . . . .

I now look at existence somewhat through the eyes of the woo woo.

In the channeled sessions with Ra discussing the Law of One, I learned of the differing densities.  First is the elements, second are plants and animals, third is you and I, 4th and 5th are to come.

So, take a Lemon seed for instance.  It's a 2nd density being that has a consciousness and is existing for the purpose of growth and learning. 

Most Lemon seeds exist inside the fruit, usually discarded in the trash and there, may germinate if the conditions are right.  When the seed eventually ceases to exist in its organic form, it passes the veil and is given a life review.  I imagine those are pretty quick as, what growth could an ungerminated seed really attain?

Now take the many many Lemon seeds I have germinated and care for now as small Lemon trees.  When the plant expires which some of them do from my own negligence and ignorance, it passes that same veil and has SO MUCH to review!!!  

Okay now take it one step further, knowing that we all have a soul plan that we, with others, created before incarnating--this gets me teary -- does that mean that I have made this plan with all of these seeds??????  


If this is true, then what a magical place this is!!!!  It almost must be a matrix, a program, a controlled space.  I mean, do you know how picky I am when I pick out a Lemon????  Or the many other grocery store seeds I've germinated and now grow as plants!?  Some I've found on the reduced rack which in itself is a miraculous thing if you align with this belief that somehow I "chose" the right fruit with the seeds that have the souls that I have that arrangement with.

In this, I find great GREAT satisfaction, wonder, and pride.  If I have made these many many contracts or plans, then I can celebrate in the knowledge that I'm doing what I said I'd do .... something I haven't always done but try to now live by.  

I have now germinated and grow:

Avocado pitts

Mango pitts

Grapefruit seeds  

Lemon seeds  

Orange seeds  

Blood Orange seeds   

Cumquat seeds  

Prickly Pair Cactus seeds  

Dragon Fruit (cactus) seeds 

Date pitts  

Passion Fruit seeds  

Loquat seeds  

Most of these still grow, gaining knowledge and expanding their own consciousness day by day.  Could this soul and the time it spends living with me, creep it closer to graduating into higher 2nd density and speed its growth into 3rd?   Possibly!!  Ra states that some pets do indeed experience this because of us and what we teach them and allow them to experience while here.

There is another reason though for realizing this.  I often feel guilt and sadness when one of these small trees/plants dies.  Yet even in death, can they see how much further they've "grown" in this incarnation ... thanks to me.  

And this helps me feel happiness and yes, pride where guilt and loss was once felt, encouraging me to do more. 

Sunday 11 February 2024

Depression as a Disease of Inflammation & How Diet Changes Help -- My Personal Experience.


Today marks 7 days without sugar in my coffee.  It's a different experience for sure but one I'm begin to really enjoy.

This morning while drinking my bullet coffee cuppa, I found my taste buds seeking the sweet but in the absence, finding new flavours.

I find it fascinating where we taste things in our mouths.  The sugar buds must be up front on the tongue while the deeper flavour buds are on the back and rear sides of the tongue.

Either way, there is something happening here with my mindset, my outlook, my thinking.  

I've had depression my whole life and tried so very many things.  

There's a strong theory that depression is brain inflammation so, by eliminating the inflammatory foods, one can literally change their brain and the subsequent thinking that it does.

I was in a dark place last week and the week prior.  I mean, it's hard to live here when you know even a smidge of the truth.  But with friends and theories to keep me working for the betterment, I made it back around to be hopeful again.  

I can always tell when I'm on the good side when Ima Chatty-Cathy at the grocery store.  Yesterday I had a full on discussion with a man about meat and vegetables and their inflammatory possibilities.  As it turns out he's a Cannabis patient as well.  In discussing this amazing plant, I told him about CBD helping diabetic neuropathy.  He said his good friend has that and he's going to urge her to try CBD oil with a little bit of low THC.  I suggested she buy two bottles so she herself can control the ratio right from the beginning.    

He said I renewed his hope in the plant and its possibilities.  As we walked out of the store together, I felt so good about myself.  Being the one to constantly talk about this new-old and often misunderstood plant, I've learned that not all like to hear what you're saying.  But I'm back to unapologetically talking about it because if I can help someone --just one person, then I will not let anyone stop me.

Strive to feel that every single day.

I love you!

Saturday 10 February 2024

Deep Thoughts on the Canadian Mental Wealthcare Industry.


Healthcare has come a long way baby but has the distance been a betterment?

I don't think so.

In my country we have housing for those with serious mental health issues that is basically solitary confinement.  We're expecting these people to live a life alone, many fighting voices and arguing with energy all day long.  A good smudging is needed but the healthcare industry definitely doesn't believe in the woo woo--even though it has been proven that smudging with certain dried plant materials does indeed "clean" a space of impurities in the air.

How can someone in this situation deal with the triggers of addiction or drug use that pulls them out of their loneliness?

Triggers can manifest out of memories, smells, tastes, suggestions and so much more.  It's often out of a person's control leading them to fear tv, interactions with others and simply living life.

Schizophrenia is one that is very difficult to treat.  There is a study--likely several by now--stating that from a side effect perspective, Cannabis Indica is a better medication than the commonly used Schizophrenic drugs.  These are heavily sedative drugs that lower one's energy, one's interest in food, water, life. They deaden the thoughts, the desires, the urges that keep us curious. It is very common for those taking these meds to desire to feel again and meth gives them more than they can handle--not that they know that before first puff.  Can you imagine taking a medication that hinders your ability to even pleasure yourself?  No wonder they use. 

Side effects from their cocktail of contraindicating pills swiftly does a number on a person's gastrointestinal system but no one even considers probiotics.  Or even food as medicine where cheese, rice, or bran might assist in regulating bm's. 

That fucking DIN or drug identification number is a false prophet, a safety net with giant holes in it, and a grrrrreat pocket liner.  

Physicians today rely on this DIN to protect them while prescribing. But is it really pushing health?  

I wish I wish I wish we lived in a world where one could help another without fear of .... well, without fear.   If this particular person were my brother for instance, I'd work with him on a diet that feeds and nourishes his body and brain.  I'd get him on pro and prebiotics, drinking Kombucha, eating fermented anything to assist his gut.  90% of our serotonin is made in the gut so FEEDING THE GUT helps depression and all other neurological issues.  

Meh, what's food eh?  Food is medicine, though not in the eyes of our healthcare system.  In the words of the smartest man I'll ever know, my Daddy, "hospital food is NOT fit for human consumption!".

I'd make him Cannabis oil with high high indica CBD flowers and yes, some flowers with low THC as well.  I'd know that I would have to adjust this oil as his endocannabinoid system learns how to use what nature has so generously provided.  I would incorporate other herbs as well that are proven to help calm and regulate the nervous system.  

Of course, this whole post is happening because of one particular person that I have resigned myself to show love to.  Being angry at him did not improve my existence. We hadn't spoken in months and then just did last week.  I realize that we are more alike than different, something many of us will soon realize if they don't already.

We live in this world and all around us we see struggle and strife but helping can be seen as risky.  So is driving your car, taking mandated gene therapy treatments and so is eating bugs.

Risk is everywhere.  I refuse to let it harden me.

LOVE is a verb.  Use it yo!  

I love YOU and am here to help in any way I can.