Sunday, 16 February 2025

Thoughts on Carnivore Eating & the Capitalism Food Pyramid

 Feedback welcome.

I discuss many things with my therapist and my food intake is one of them.  We were discussing carnivore eating vs veg or vegan eating recently.  She's really great at not judging what I do even if she has been indoctrinated to believe what i'm doing is not based on "studies". 

But we also discussed how few to no legitimate or comprehensive studies have been done to show us what food creates health.  And, I personally think that's so that they can allow processed, disease-causing food to be sold, purchased, and consumed which will lead to more pharmaceutical sales.  

I got to thinking afterwards about the capitalism pyramid that "they" say we should be following.  There is NO WAY that pyramid is legit and based on science ... and as stated, they've done no science to determine these things so how could they know?  ($$$$)

And this brings me back to carnivore.  If the decided upon food pyramid is whack then do the studies on meat and dairy really rely on science or are they always loosely reflecting that pyramid?  

Basically, I don't believe a thing the wealthy white coats say.

Right now, I'm seeing testimonials from DOCTORS who have been seeing very sick vegetarians and OXYLATES are part of the problem.  

Some less discussed aspects of the carnivore diet is bowel regularity when done right --with lots of fats consumed as well-- and an observed lack of gas / bloating.

Meaning ... animal products are not giving people the same kind of gas issues that plant based products are.  

Trapped gas is my nemesis.  It's SO painful and not a sign of health though, we've been indoctrinated to believe that gas from veggies is the price you pay for health.  

That's whack in my opinion.  But the world is whack right now.

As I stated to my therapist, I want to experience it.  I know what gives me gas --simple carbs and wheat.  But what gives me sustenance without gas?  I'll let you know.

Anyhoo, studies eh?  In a world where insects are literally ending up in the processed carb foods, I call bullshit on all of their studies.  

I'll learn by experience.