Sunday, 1 September 2024

Being A "Woman" Is Harrrrrrrd Work and Surely Ain't For Everyone!

I remember when I was in grade ten.  I'd been "a woman" for a few years.  

I was having the period.

I was wearing the bra.

I was shaving my legs.

I was hyper-focused on my skin, my pores, and dry flakes anywhere on my body.

I was changing my behavior to align with other girls my age, to soften when I was around my elders, to try to be invisible around anyone attractive of any age, to be "me" around my friends.  (Phew, thazzalot)

I was doing the things to prevent my womanhood from getting too much attention. 

I was hearing and accepting the reminders to lose weight from the magazines I read, the Doctor I visited regularly, the boys in my classes, older people who influenced me.

I remember saying to someone that I was done with being female. It was too much.  I remember having my feelings hurt multiple times by older gentlemen who would comment on my weight. I was done with it all.

I wanted to see how the other side lived without having to deal with all of the above.

I couldn't then but I guess I could now.  Or I could and then switch back.  

This is my experience and how I perceive the gender creationism as we're experiencing it in 2024.  Children are being taught that they can decide. 

I wonder how many times, people who transition into being female say, fuck this, ain't nobody got time for that!?!?!

I betcha there's a huge portion.  And I'm sorry if this is offensive to anyone but if I were more vocal wayyyyy back then, I might've found other young women who felt the same way. 

Express yourself is my new motto. 

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