Sunday, 8 September 2024

"Never Again" ... and Other Lies Told By Our Leaders. Do Not Allow This Teachable Moment to Pass You By.

We're inside a teachable moment for parents and teachers of students learning about the Jewish holocaust.

I remember being obsessed, confused, and extremely sad that the world allowed this to happen and I've known many a youngster who felt these same feelings.

I asked, you asked, and they'll ask, "WHY did the world allow this to happen?"

Many of us were given the justification that, "we didn't have internet back then so the rest of the world didn't know "

Fast forward to today and the PALESTINIAN HOLOCAUST is occurring.

Why aren't we stopping it?

A teachable moment about elitism, indoctrination, and the evil that runs the world in which we live.

So, why isn't YOUR government doing more to stop this GENOCIDE???

Because of elitism, indoctrination, and evil. Because they profit in some way by allowing this to happen.

They who benefit, turn a blind eye.

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