Tuesday 1 October 2024

One Creator -- Many Paths for the Seeker ( Deep Tuesday Thoughts)


Over the past few years I've honed up on my marketing skills.  I was just thinking about how the Creator is likely THE most marketed individual ever.  

As we know not all marketing is fact based.  This is how I see all organized religion -- a rewrite and marketing strategy on the same subject matter.

If I pull out to the macro view, I see one Creator of all.

I now believe the various religions are merely different ways in seeking this one Creator of all.  I can't imagine any one of the organized religions started out wanting world domination yet, this fight to prove which faith is right, is ego driven.  It's a human thing.  The off-worlders don't have religions -- they serve the One Creator.

The big illusion and the greatest lie is the separation, which was likely done for our growth.  At some point after, patriarchy was instilled and each faith was made male dominated.

We are stuck here in an ego-driven, patriarchal mish mash of a bazillion different faiths, some under the same category eg, how many Christian faiths do we now have? 

All to increase that separation.

In this moment, I'm eager for the unity to come.

I love you!

The Heritage Foundation, Creators of Project 2025, Just Endorsed Kamala


And yet, the mainstream media would have you believe that Trump created Project 2025 as his playbook.

So when we discuss propaganda and MISinformation, we can now see that this is misinformation from a leading news site.

BBC full of MISinformation


The Heritage Foundation has just endorsed the Democrat nominee Kamala Harris. 

But sure, Trump's to blame for Project 2025

The truth shall set us free.