Saturday 26 October 2024

Rose Coloured Glasses Smashed; Clear View Now.

 Somewhere and at some point in my history, my rose coloured glasses got smashed into a million little pieces.  Possibly after I read that book "A Million Little Pieces" and then saw 0prah shame the author for calling it a memoir though he embellished his experiences to match HOW they felt at the time.  

It was then that I began realizing how much we're lied to, how often we're told how to feel/think, and most importantly, how many popular people are fakers and god damned phonies (catcher in the rye).

Now, my brain shows me the negative first.  I'm pretty convinced that I was once a Meerkat in a past life and my role was to watch for predators and for danger.  

How many lifetimes was that my role because now, it's the first thing I see.  Some people likely think my thinking is then negative but it's not --- it's sharp and aware and ready to react.  

To me the truth in any situation is a beautiful, sacred thing.  It might be golden and shiney or it might be ugly and grim but it's the truth so for me, it's spectacular.  

I just went shopping and I see the price gauging, the price manipulating, and the price increases.  

Driving home I see the fellow humans in makeshift sleeping areas.  I see each and every one of you, and though I've not experienced that struggle, it's often on my mind.

I walk into my apartment building and I see the clouds that began as a trail from a plane and to me it's SO clear.  But others don't see it and deny it's a problem.  We can't even predict rain anymore because of fake phoney god damned chemical man made clouds.

I walk in to hear Cher, who clearly did some terrible things to be as famous as she is. 

All around me, I see the negative first.  It's how my brain works.

And though difficult, it's truth and nothing else matters as much to me as truth in all things.

So now I sit, telling you this, smoking Gaia's gift to humanity and it's calming me, mellowing my readyness.  To my left I see my plants, all started by seed.  

In this moment, I can thank myself for planting those seeds, caring for those seedlings, and loving them as they grow.  See?  I'm not always negative.

I'm writing this because I know I'm not alone in seeing danger danger danger at all sides.  So for all of those who read this and, like me, can no longer pretend, this buds for you and you and you and you and you ....... 

In time we'll all know all ... and the truth shall set us free.

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