Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Nova Scotia's "Financial Measures Act" --- Making YOUR Health Info Fully Accessible to the Govt

Nova Scotia is trying to pass "The Financial Measures Act" that would give the govt full access to your Medical Records and health information.  

People with mental health challenges experience discrimination during the hiring process if and when they disclose mental illness. If you dare to shed tears at work, you'll be labeled and scrutinized for expressing your emotions.

People with multiple issues requiring multiple prescriptions experience discrimination if and when the cost of those scripts become apparent to the employer and to the employer's insurance carriers.

People with misunderstood chronic illnesses experience discrimination if and when they disclose these health challenges to people who have no clue of their ability or disability.  

Do we think our Governments will treat us differently than potential employers?  

They want to know everything about you but why?  Why would they want to know all of this?  Does it have anything to do with the WEF's Pandemic Treaty?  

Be aware of what they're trying to do even --or especially if it doesn't affect you because those affected may need YOU to speak for them.  

We are one and breaking this one is not going to be easy.  

Don't make it easier for them.

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Changes in Mindset After Researching the Reality of the World

An interesting thing has happened to my brain, my mindset, and my outlook since educating myself on the reality of this world in this moment.  

I used to be able to fit people and thoughts into neat and tidy boxes of acceptance or rejection.  It was really easy to decipher back then but today, things are nowhere near this neat and tidy.

We all have benevolence and we all have shadow so those boxes were almost always a fraud.  

Now, it's all just a mess of thoughts and theories but what's changed is the pedestal that that way of thinking uses to differentiate people, has now disappeared.  No one stands above you and I -- we bow to no one because there is no hierarchy between us.  

The separation of good/bad ... wealthy/poor ... well educated/uninformed is the real illusion because most of the knowledge is lies and money means fuck all when you're dead. 

I'm nowhere near figuring it all out but I'm really happy to now be able to hold many many many thoughts and theories at the same time not really sure of any of them but not hooking onto any perceived outcome they offer.

I personally think this is the way.


Monday, 4 March 2024

Deeper Thoughts into Densities and the Knowledge Gained Through Incarnation

 Deeeeeep Monday Thoughts . . . .

I now look at existence somewhat through the eyes of the woo woo.

In the channeled sessions with Ra discussing the Law of One, I learned of the differing densities.  First is the elements, second are plants and animals, third is you and I, 4th and 5th are to come.

So, take a Lemon seed for instance.  It's a 2nd density being that has a consciousness and is existing for the purpose of growth and learning. 

Most Lemon seeds exist inside the fruit, usually discarded in the trash and there, may germinate if the conditions are right.  When the seed eventually ceases to exist in its organic form, it passes the veil and is given a life review.  I imagine those are pretty quick as, what growth could an ungerminated seed really attain?

Now take the many many Lemon seeds I have germinated and care for now as small Lemon trees.  When the plant expires which some of them do from my own negligence and ignorance, it passes that same veil and has SO MUCH to review!!!  

Okay now take it one step further, knowing that we all have a soul plan that we, with others, created before incarnating--this gets me teary -- does that mean that I have made this plan with all of these seeds??????  


If this is true, then what a magical place this is!!!!  It almost must be a matrix, a program, a controlled space.  I mean, do you know how picky I am when I pick out a Lemon????  Or the many other grocery store seeds I've germinated and now grow as plants!?  Some I've found on the reduced rack which in itself is a miraculous thing if you align with this belief that somehow I "chose" the right fruit with the seeds that have the souls that I have that arrangement with.

In this, I find great GREAT satisfaction, wonder, and pride.  If I have made these many many contracts or plans, then I can celebrate in the knowledge that I'm doing what I said I'd do .... something I haven't always done but try to now live by.  

I have now germinated and grow:

Avocado pitts

Mango pitts

Grapefruit seeds  

Lemon seeds  

Orange seeds  

Blood Orange seeds   

Cumquat seeds  

Prickly Pair Cactus seeds  

Dragon Fruit (cactus) seeds 

Date pitts  

Passion Fruit seeds  

Loquat seeds  

Most of these still grow, gaining knowledge and expanding their own consciousness day by day.  Could this soul and the time it spends living with me, creep it closer to graduating into higher 2nd density and speed its growth into 3rd?   Possibly!!  Ra states that some pets do indeed experience this because of us and what we teach them and allow them to experience while here.

There is another reason though for realizing this.  I often feel guilt and sadness when one of these small trees/plants dies.  Yet even in death, can they see how much further they've "grown" in this incarnation ... thanks to me.  

And this helps me feel happiness and yes, pride where guilt and loss was once felt, encouraging me to do more.