Thursday, 27 June 2024

Thoughts on Unaffordable Therapy

 I'm seeing a lot of programs for sale right now.  These are ways to reclaim your body and mind or they're to stimulate your vagus nerve with bowl and human singing.  Others allow you to get high on your own supply then be guided through a meditation.

These programs are often costly at a time when essentials like food, medicine, and fuel to get places is at an all-time high.  

The thing is, we're partway to the new Earth where money doesn't belong or align.  

I've seen other programs being done on a sliding scale, by donation only, or with an affordable fee.  The facilitators have said they're doing this at such a low price BECAUSE they're trying to fake it till they make it to that new Earth where money has no place.

I just spent an hour listening to a Doctor turned Holistic specialist that I admire greatly.  She has taught me so much.  But the program is $1500.  In the intro she discussed how we women will learn to love ourselves, our bodies, our brains, our containers wherever we choose to make it.  She said this will help us to love our mates more and be okay with whatever our relationships bring forth.

Yet, I'd have to personally borrow money to do this.  I'd have to discuss this long and hard with my partner and likely borrow from him or from Madam Mastercard. 

Do we see the confusion here?

This program is to help women reclaim their independence.  

But you'll likely have to borrow to do it.

In this intro, it was mentioned how sometimes we in our weakness and our trauma, will judge other women.  I'm judging this woman for the cost of her program--plain and simple.

Feel it and let it go.  Feel it and let it go.  

As the wisest and cutest man once said, "Di, you don't have to have anything to do with anyone you don't want to."

I used to have to find a negative or get angry in order to do this but now I just simply see and understand that the facilitator and I are on different paths.  The old me would've burned her book and denied any aid her knowledge gave me.  But not this me.

My path is to the New Earth where kindness is the norm and money is no more.

Not getting delayed on my way there. 

I love yoU!

Tuesday, 25 June 2024


 What one can do; we all can do.

Lest we have faith?  Sorry that just sort of followed.

FAITH eh?  

In my group of seekers Sunday night, I picked the card of FAITH from the Sacred Mushroom deck.  

That word used to feel icky and now it feels comforting and true.

In the end, I really do believe that when we see how big the light is, we'll see how silly it was/is to think even for a moment that the shadow would win. 

The light always wins.  It just takes a long ass time.  All the more time to learn and grow through dealing with those who are different from us.  

Ra of the Law of One refers to other people as our "other selves".

They say that the interaction of you and your other selves, is the greatest catalyst for growth.  But even further, they said that the greater the difference between the two of you, the greater the catalyst and thus the greater the growth. 

Nods to those who push against that indoctrination and the rules it made our parents lay down when it came to "talking to strangers".  I got to know people that my parents told me to avoid. I talked to strangers, made friends with strangers, learned from strangers.  These moments and memories I'll never forget.

Over the years, they've made sure that "strangers" are scary and risky, pushing all of us to keep to ourselves, never getting that catalyst, never getting that growth. 

But shits gettin' weird and I am HERE for it.  I'll make the munchies and roll the doobs.  And I say that because I have FAITH that the light has already won and we're just watching a movie so others see for themselves how absolutely far off the moral rails, current leadership in the WORLD has gone. 

The light always wins.

I love you! 

Saturday, 22 June 2024

Removing the Shame-Filter From Our Memories

 Have you ever thought about a memory and realized that it's covered by a shame filter?   For instance, in grade 7 I kissed a girl at a sleepover at her house.  She kissed me back but the other girls thought it was weird/wrong/gross/ <add adjective to fit>.

So, a few years ago the topic of youth experimentation came up while I was watching one of the eps of GLEE.  There was a scene where two of the girls who were best friends, also made out.  While watching it, I admired how comfortable they were with their bodies and knew that that wasn't how I was back then!

I saw in that moment that this type of experimentation might have been good for young women's self esteem.  I mean, to this day we make ourselves up more for other women than for men.  My bestie loves to wear sparkles and make her beauty shine which in turn, encourages me to do the same.  

But when I began to remember that hey, I did that once ... I remembered the shame I felt from the others in the room.  I remembered the shame I felt when, on Monday one of the girls told some of the boys that I'd kissed a girl.  That shame was so thick and blanketed this memory so well that it covered up the innocence of the activity beneath.

It only took me moments to scrape the shame filter off so I could see what that experience was.  All it was, was simple and honest experimentation with someone I knew and trusted.  There was nothing shameful about it.

Have you noticed yourself remembering moments like this from YOUR past?  It's been happening to me a lot and I've read that this is a necessary part of our existence right now.  The tip is to acknowledge the memory, feel it, and let it go.

So, to the shame filter that hid this incredible memory of innocence and curiosity, out with you now!

I feel you and I let you go.  You hold no power over me anymore.  

Saturday, 1 June 2024

UN Agenda 2030 Mission Goals

 We've been indoctrinated to trust the Caducean symbol like moths to a flame.

Now, we have too much power & they want our numbers limited and lowered.  

The jiggity-jig is up.  I can show you several influential families of power and control, stating this very thing.

This is the plan.  Please share it if the algorithm allows you to see this post.   

To me, freedom is at must.  


Dr. Peter McCullough's Spike Protein Detox Protocol


The World Pyramid of Power -- Kinda Like a Club That YOU'RE Not In.


See how low on the pyramid of power, our dipshit politicians as governments are?

They're Macaws & Parrots in suits with zero power.   

Elections are a fraud OR all parties abide one narrative decided by the above individuals.

Me votey no more.

Notice the "All Seeing Eye".

The more I learn the more I realize that my brain is clay to be molded by what I see, hear, smell, fear, fear, fear, and fear. 

It's kind of like that pesky "informed consent" where you have to know all the deets to make an informed decision.  But the deets are skewed, hidden, changed, and or completely altered so, I do not have the details necessary to make an informed vote.

All politicians are dipshits.