Saturday, 16 December 2023

Mushrooms, Regulation, and Free Will

The local Shroomyz store has been busted again and is now closed.  

All for our protection.

Let's ignore the fact that I can walk to the corner store and to the LCBO and buy large quantities of that which we know will harm us long term.

The steps to legalize plant medicine and educate on safe effective use, are being taken with purposely heavy and slow moving boots.

Legality of recreational substances isn't about safety.  

It's about control and the revenues that come from that control.  

I used to be all for regulation now I say, back off and get your own free will.  

No politician, no white coat, and no marketing specialist is telling me what I need to consume or not consume.

We are free and plant medicine slowly and systematically shows us that with prolonged use. 

Claim your free will.

Thursday, 7 December 2023

Does Cellular Memory Affect Our Perceptions?

Could cellular memory be why so many people of varying nationalities, faiths, and cultures have come out in defense of Palestine?  Consider how most people alive today have ancestors who have experienced displacement, invasions, and/or attempted genocide.  Some people call this "colonialism".  Only a few of us can say that none of our ancestors experienced this because colonialism was/is persistent in our history.

My ancestors are largely Celtic.  The Donnelly's come from County Cork in Ireland.  Is the cellular memory of harvesting diseased potatoes from under plants that struggled to grow ---sick from a blight said to be started by a nearby country---- why I feel like a Palestinian today?  Is the cellular memory of losing loved ones to starvation why I've cried more than a few times this week in anger and rage at what I see happening?  You cannot silence the traumas trapped in our cells, in our memories, in the epigenetic changes now affecting our existence.  

Saturday, 13 May 2023

The Original Lord's Prayer

 This is The Lord's Prayer...translated from Aramaic directly into English (rather than from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English).

Archaeologists uncovered a scroll in 1892 that contains this version of the prayer, one which has been mistranslated as “Our Father, who art in heaven…” for millennia.

Imagine how many other things have been lost in translation through the years.

“O cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration, soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your Presence can abide.

Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit of your mission.

Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire.

Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs to grow and flourish.

Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.

Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.

For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth, power, and fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once again.

And So It Is!”

Friday, 17 February 2023

I Wish We'd Stop Putting Conditions on Faith


I believe all faiths, all churches, all religions are of the One Prime Creator.

And I believe that each and every one of those religions has been in some way, manipulated by humanity for control. 

This is why holy books were re-written so very many times.

Each change was for a reason depending on whom the changes were made by.

As my friend stated the other night, almost every faith has a prophecy about this period of time, this shift.

We're shifting from identity based living to heart based living among other things.

What I see and the reason for this post, is that the above statement isn't biblical enough for some people.  It wasn't worded this way in their holy book so they shun it immediately.

Yet in my 49 year old eyes, the Creator is so much more than one holy book, one story, one way of living.  

Creator is all things--good and bad.

To deny this is to deny the completeness of Source.

Source created everything and man fucked it up. lol   But in fucking it up, man learned and grew and evolved.

It's a tough crowd right now, have you noticed?  Here's my own personal experience as someone who was raised Roman Catholic from birth but who now considers themselves a Spiritualist who is very aware of Ascended Master Yeshua.

People exist today who will continually make you feel like you're not worshipping enough.  It's no longer enough to believe in Source--you have to also believe that Source is male.

But now to top that, it's not enough that you believe this, you must also believe and decree that Jesus (Yeshua) is your lord and master.  Some even further change what I learned as a Catholic and say that Jesus IS God in human form.

To some, if you don't exclaim this about Yeshua, you're fodder for the fiddler in that song.  You're basically put on the same level as an atheist to them.

So why is this happening?  While I see similarities and correlations between ALL beliefs and factions and faiths and people, some Christians are basically moving goalposts of faith.  Do they want a smaller group?  I see that the Christian faith was like a pipeline and then suddenly, it's bottlenecked.

This is separation.  This is DIS-UNITY.  This IS the evil we rage against.  

And, I almost think in this moment that the idea that it's a Christian's path to spread the good news about Jesus to as many ears who'll listen, is in and of itself the work of those who seek to disunite us.  It is not possible to convince everyone that Jesus is King because so many other faiths exist.  

Were some of the newer ones created so that this plan would be sure to fail?

Very deep Friday thoughts eh?

Prime Creator is UNconditional love. Yet I see conditions being put on faith and belief and mindset at a time when neural pathways are already wearily blocked by fear.  To the traumatized brain, this feels like once again you're not enough.  You give up, opening yourself up for negative energy to set up camp around you.  Who wins then?  You know.

I know that Source has no conditions.  I know that Source loves all because Source created all.

The conditions being placed upon us are, in my opinion attempting to separate us because in great numbers our light is stronger than we can imagine.

Feel gratitude and/or thank Prime Creator once a day.  It's truly as easy as that.


We Got This -- An Anonymous Call to Unity in the Name of Prime Creator *original author unknown*

*original author unknown*

I’ve read the book of Revelation my entire life. I shook my head for that chosen generation. The one that would hold the line. 

The one that would have to endure. The one that would have to rise up. 

The one that would have to get off of the back row and put their money where their mouth is. 

The one that could no longer skate by simply by picking up a card and filling it out. 

No, they’d have to pick up the armor of the Living God. They’d have to lay down their comfort and they’d have to lose their friends to actually be who they said they were. 

I knew they’d be chosen. 

I knew they’d be savages in the kingdom of God. 

I knew they’d mean what they said to their tenacious core when they cried out... 


And I knew He would too...send them. 

In all honesty I think I grieved for them. 

But I quite literally had no idea they would be us. 

I had no idea that one of them was staring back at me in the mirror. 

An end time serviceman. 

I had no idea it would be you. 

I had no idea it would be me. 

I couldn’t fathom that He’d trust us with this. 

Not us. Surely, not us. 

But here we are. 

It’s creeping in isn’t it? It’s lurking around the dark corners and you can sense it. It’s waiting to reveal itself. We feel the pressure. 

Something within us is quickening. 

It sends a shiver down the spine if dwelt upon for lengthy time periods. 

He’s calling the worshippers to arise, the preachers to raise their volume, the anointed to birth their gifts, the prophets to take up their call...

The church to be who she’s always claimed to be...

And My Dear God, I hope she can. 

It’s as if I feel Him whispering in the night...

“Beloved, prepare. Beloved, it’s time.”

A time that will require prayerful weepers and solid soldiers. Just like you, I’m trying not to be afraid. 

But in my desperation and confusion I do know that He would not call a defective generation of believers to something this weighty. He would not trust this to just any run of the mill followers. 


He’d entrust it to warriors.

He’d put His faith in the unshakable ones. 

He’d finish out with the unrelenting combatants. 

So remember, He must know something that we don’t know about us. 

Perhaps he’s saved the strongest for last. 

I’m decreeing that we’re wise enough. I’m believing that we’re strong enough. I’m standing upon the promise that we’re a generation that knows what to do. That knows how to stand in the gap. That knows how to intercede in the wee hours of the night. I’m clinging to the hope that we’re the ones that know when all else fails it’s time to put faces to carpet and accompany it with fasting continually. 

I’m believing we’re enough and holding fast that El Shaddai: The All Efficient one is our rear guard. 

Hold your head high...

You’re in a mighty, chosen, spectacular army. 

An outpouring we will see. 

An awakening we will birth. 

It will reach the nations, it will burn with Holy Ghost and Fire, but first it has to burn within us. 

We’re revival revealers. 

We’re Fire-Raisers. 

We’re rallying for the reveal party.

And the God of the ages has entrusted us with such a time and task as this. 

It will take grit, it will require determination and it will demand the absolute Fire of the Holy Ghost...

But that’s okay...

I’m proclaiming that we’re spiritual pyromaniacs and we’ve been anxiously awaiting our cue. 🔥

*original author unknown*