Thursday 11 July 2024

In success we celebrate; in failed population reduction schemes we learn.


 The last 3-4 years have been the shits.

We've lost friends, family, and open lines of communication among other things.

Yet, I sit here before you feeling more confident in MY abilities than I ever thought possible.  

I grew up gullible and easily taken advantage of.

I let others believe they were smarter ---I'd mock myself before they could mock me.

But now I see that I was right about soooooo many things.

Through the shits we come out stronger, wiser, more self assured.

No one will make decisions for me anymore --- because NO ONE could make them better than I can.

In success we celebrate;  in failed population reduction schemes we learn.

Like the waves smooth the rock, like the wind strengthens the stalk--

We are better for this turmoil.

I love you.    

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