Friday 19 July 2024

Knowledge is Power & Control


We wait for media to tell us what's happening in the world and what they don't share, we don't know about.  

For example, there are over 100 wars being fought right now all over the planet.  We only seem to care about 2 of them. 

Knowledge is power & prayers are powerful. Without the first, we can't complete the second.  Knowledge is control.

Can you imagine if they started lying to us or changing the story? 

Can you imagine? 

The media controls everything.

And, as such they could set many records straight.

I hear CNN is changing a bit so, perhaps this is the way, eh? 😉

Deep thoughts on the balcony smokin' my mix of gifts from Gaia.

We got this friends, strangers, and other selves.  The light always wins ☀️ 

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